Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Aaron Becker is one of my favorite illustrators. I really love his whimsical style and the way that he has mastered the art of the wordless picture book. His first book, "Journey" has a prominent place on my bookshelf and I look through it for inspiration all of the time. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that "Journey" is actually a TRILOGY!!! The second book in the series is "Quest" and I have been anxiously awaiting its release, especially after viewing the awesome trailer that he created:

The waiting is now over! Today is the day!! It is officially on the shelves :). I can't wait to own a copy!!


  1. Now that is an impressive book trailer.

    Glenn Lindsey

  2. It really is! He has a background in animation so he goes all out!

  3. I love the book Journey too... but didn't know it was the first in a trilogy. I enjoy your style too!
